How to Write a Quality Business Essay: 5 Essential Steps

Услуги >> 05.03.2019
How to Write a Quality Business Essay: 5 Essential Steps

Essay writing is a skill every business person should have under their belt. It’s a skill which often comes in handy in preparing business presentations or writing business proposals. In essence, it’s crucial that everyone in the business world knows how to handle their facts and present their ideas.

This is exactly why you need to learn how to write a business essay. Whether you’re writing about marketing, finance, entrepreneurship, management or any other business topic, you need to be aware of the rules and requirements for writing a business essay. If you want to learn more, just keep reading.

Here are the 5 essential steps for writing a killer business essay.

  1. The Essay Objective
Start the essay writing process by thinking about and defining the main aim of your essay. What question does it raise? What answers does it seek?

Think about what your essay objective is and focus on how you’ll going to prove it and present it.

Make sure to have a clearly defined purpose for your business essay, before you start writing it. It could be to:
  • conduct research and present the results
  • discuss the theoretical background of a notion
  • compare and contrasts
  • review the available literature on a topic
Once you have your objective, you can move on to the next step.
  1. Proper Research
A business essay is not something you can write using your own ideas exclusively.

You need to back it up with facts and findings of acclaimed authors and trusted sources of information.

In other words, not every Google result you get is a source of information you can trust. Try relying mainly on:
  • Google Scholar
  • online libraries
  • academic papers and dissertations
  • books and academic journals
Gather the materials to back your essay up and make notes about all the authors and their viewpoints.

This will serve as a steady foundation for introducing your own ideas and showing how you’ve come to certain conclusions.
  1. Outline
An outline of an essay is the first step in the actual writing process. This is where you, as an essayist, step in and start building your essay.

The outline should be simple and transparent. Its aim is to give you guidance for your first draft and show you the main ideas of your essay.

Here’s how it should look:
  • Paragraph/Section 1

    The main point of the paragraph in one sentence.
  • Paragraph/Section 2

    The main point of the paragraph in one sentence.
  • etc.
Write down all the most important ideas of your essay using no more than two sentences for each. This way, you’ll have a clear path to follow and building on to it would be the easy part.
  1. The First Draft
Now it’s time to write for real.

You’ve got your game plan, your materials, and your notes. Use all of this to structure the perfect business essay and get your message across easily.

You can’t go wrong with the following structure:
  • Introduction- Explain what the essay is about.
  • Theoretical Background- Use the research materials and present them to the reader.
  • Research- Explain what you did to find answers.
  • Findings- Tell us what you found out.
  • Conclusion- Give your final conclusion based on all of the above-mentioned.
  • References- Provide a list of resources you’ve used for your paper.
This structure is perfect for a business essay. It shows strategic planning, professional approach, and attention to details.

After your first draft is finished, leave it to rest for a while and come back to it. Read it and start making changes.

Repeat this process several times, until you’re completely happy with the content of your business essay.
  1. Proofreading
Once the process of creation is done, you can move on to polishing your essay and making it impeccable.

A business essay should be a reflection of your professionalism and your dedication. This is why there must be no mistakes and oversights.

Proofread your essay, making sure you eliminate:
  • spelling mistakes
  • grammar mistakes
  • informal vocabulary
  • structural problems
You can do this on your own, or you can turn to someone for help. You can also try online tools such as Grammarly or writing services like Get Academic Help. Whichever way you go, make sure your essay is completely mistake-free.

Final Thoughts

A business essay is all about consistency. You need to build your way to its conclusion slowly and strategically. It requires you to be a good researcher and a wise presenter. Although it may seem like too much to handle, it’s actually quite a simple and straightforward process.

All you have to do is know how to write it. Therefore, just follow the steps we’ve given you above and you’ll have nothing to worry about.
